
Monday, September 30, 2013

How to Draw...

 I'm not exactly sure what this is called, but I learned how to do it from my art teacher, who got the idea off the internet. It's just a really fun thing to do, and it turns out different each time you do it. Once you learn the basics you can use different ideas to create different things with it.
Step One: Draw a swiggly line across your paper. Be as creative with that line as you want, it doesn't even have to go from side to side. It can go from top to bottom, side to top, whatever! Put dots along the line at different distances.
Step Two: Using the dots as your guide, draw loops coming out from one, going to the next one. From one dot to the one beside it....and keep doing that on top of the one you did, layering, and always coming back to the dot (or at least making it look like you did).

Step Three: Continue to do that for all the dots, below and above the line. This is hard to explain but hopefully you'll understand by looking at the picture. Do that until it's all filled up!

 Step Four: Add color!!! One of the best parts! You can do this with basically whatever: Colored pencil, sharpie, etc.

Step five: Continue until you do the whole thing with color!

 Ta Da! You're finished! Let me know if you have questions about it. Hopefully the pictures will tell you what you don't understand, because it's really hard to write explaining it!
Note: Here is an example of something you can do with the same technique: Flowers! Use a center dot and draw petals around it, adding layers like you did with the original.
P.S. Then you can create new ideas with this technique! I'd love to see a picture of anything new you come up with! 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

My sister's art

 This is a post with art by my sister Erika! She's 8 years old. Two things she drew/created.

A gear thingy she made out of Seth's Knex.


 This I drew of her while she was drawing, but I couldn't get it to look like her so I now say I was just using her as a model, not trying to draw her. Yeah...This one isn't super but compared to how it looked when I first started, it's okay.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Horse Head

What a creative title huh? well, I couldn't think of a better one.
Before you look all amazed, I did not draw this out of my head. No way! I used a step by step on how to draw a realistic horse head. It was from a book on drawing horses that my art teacher had, I don't remember the title. But I was still really surprised and happy it turned out this well! yeah!


It's fun to print designs off the internet and color them with colored pencil!
 This one↑ my grandma gave to me to color, and this one↓ I printed off the internet.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Shining in the Darkness

One day Mom was reading aloud a book called Torches of Joy and I was drawing, so I drew a torch, and this picture evolved.
This is a little girl shining her light in the darkness. It represents Christians, as we shine God's light in the world!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Random (Okay...boring title, but...)

 Random faces I drew...

Face in/on a jar, something I randomly did~
A house, where I was also practicing drawing tree, something I just randomly did.
Now you know why I titled it Random.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Sometimes, I just sit down with a paper and pencil and draw designs...Sometimes I get ideas off the internet and sometimes I just do it myself. So, now that I'm finished talking (AKA writing :P), here are some examples:

 This one's done with ink↓
One time my brother was doing it with me and this is one of the designs he drew. ↓
(actually, his was better, I just attempted to copy it for fun, and this was mine)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Emily's Art

We had our cousins over for Labor Day, and one of the things we did was draw/color.
So today I'm featuring my cousin Emily's art. (In case you're wondering, she's 13)
Except the other picture of her art is upside down...urg, I'm having problems with upside down pictures...But here's this one. (rotate your head☺)
 I don't know that it has a title but it is a nun and a little girl.

Watercolor Lane

Watercolor and ink
 Yes, I know these aren't that great...I'm not that experienced with watercolor. And I'm really sorry these are sideways....I don't know how to rotate them, so you'll just have to rotate your head☺.
This was painted from a picture taken near a cabin we stayed at.